Vigo Zobo Pet Bottle 50cl X 12


VIGO Zobo Drink is a natural Soft Drink made from Zobo extracts (Hibiscus), Water, Ginger and Pineapple Extract.

VIGO Zobo drink has its own unique taste mainly pronounced is the Zobo taste. It is so smooth drinking particularly when served cold and it is perfect with any meal.

VIGO Zobo is so enriching as we know that Zobo has medicinal properties.

There are numerous health benefits of drinking Zobo, they are not limited to these:

1. Boost your Appetite

The Zobo drink is packed with several formidable nutrients, including Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorous, Niacin, Riboflavin, Fiber, Fat, Thiamine, Carotene, etc., and it also contains anti-bacterial properties which work harmoniously to repair your digestive system and restore your lost appetite.

2. Deal with High Blood Pressure

Studies have shown that regular intake of Zobo can help lower high blood pressure.
This is made possible by the enzyme inhibitor found in the Hibiscus leaves; what this

Additionally, the Roselle leaves used in making Zobo contains some other anti-hypertensive properties which are also responsible for regulating sugar level in your bloodstream, which it might, in turn, lower the lower bloodstream as well.

3. Treat Constipation Problem

Due to its richness in fibre, It makes the  Zobo a healthy drink for combating constipation problem as fibre is scientifically proven to be a great digestive system booster.
Therefore, if you’re experiencing constipation and you are looking for a healthy way out, then consuming Zobo regularly is your best bet. It will not only treat constipation but also boost your digestion system as well.

4. Deal with Kidney Disease

Regular intake of Organic acids like tartaric acid, citric acid, and maleic acid, etc. are proven to be effective for dealing with kidney disease, and the good news is that Zobo contains a great amount of these acids, which makes it a perfect choice for people suffering from kidney disease.

5. Boost your Liver Health

The liver is very essential in the body as it engages in several essential functions, including the regular production of proteins, secretion of bile, decomposition of fat, and lots more. However, these functions can be hindered if your liver is not working efficiently.

Fortunately, multiple studies show that Zobo can help promote liver health and boost its functioning. The liver-protecting properties contained in the hibiscus extract helps in promoting liver health simply by increasing drug-detoxifying enzymes and reducing liver damage and fatty liver.

6. Lowers Cholesterol

Hibiscus tea or Zobo can help regulate your cholesterol levels and also improve your heart and blood vessels.
Regular intake of Zobo can help lower your Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol [the bad kind of cholesterol] and boost your High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol [the good kind of cholesterol]. When your cholesterol levels are well regulated, it will help protect against heart diseases and also protect your blood vessels from damage.

Additionally, the hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic properties contained in the Zobo drink is also beneficial to people with blood sugar disorders like diabetes.

8. Reduces the risk of Cancer

The Zobo drink contains hibiscus protocatechuic acid, which is packed with several antitumor and antioxidant properties.
Multiple studies, including the one conducted by the Department and Institute of Biochemistry in Taiwan and Karina H. Goldberg in Australia, reveal that Zobo drink can help delay the growth of certain cancerous cells by inferring apoptosis, often regarded as programmed cell death in gastric cancer cells.
Want to reduce the risk of cancer?

9. Relieves Menstrual Pain

Another health benefit of Zobo is that it helps boost the female reproductive system.
The Menstruation process is usually accompanied with several intense pains, including cramps. But the good news is that Zobo has been proven to be very effective in reducing the pain to a significant extent.
Not that alone, Zobo also helps in restoring hormonal balance in the female body so as to reduce the symptoms of menstruation, including mood swings, depression, overeating, etc. The link between zobo drink and ovulation has not yet been ascertained completely; however many reports suggest zobo drink helps to deal with menstrual pain.

10. Reduce Depressive Symptoms

Zobo is packed with vitamins and minerals, including flavonoids, a natural antidepressant property. This property is very effective in calming the nervous system and creating a sense of relaxation in the mind and body.
This makes Zobo a perfect choice for people with certain mood disorders as it is capable of reducing anxiety, depression, and other related disorders to a significant extent.

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