Royal Oats Organic Coconut Sugar 500g


Coconut sugar, sometimes called coconut palm sugar, comes from the sap of the coconut palm tree — not the coconuts.
Harvesters tap coconut palm sap by cutting into the tree’s flower-bud stem to access its nectar. Producers mix the sap with water, boil it into a syrup, and allow it to dry and crystallize. Afterward, they break the dried sap apart to create sugar granules that resemble regular table or cane sugar.
Coconut sugar is a popular sweetener in many vegan diets, as it is plant-based and minimally processed. Because coconut sugar is a plant-based, natural sweetener, some people feel it is more nutritious than regular table sugar. In reality, coconut sugar is almost identical to regular cane sugar in terms of nutrients and calories

Nutrition Information

Coconut sugar retains many nutrients found in the coconut palm — mostly

  • iron
  • zinc
  • calcium
  • potassium

These nutrients can support the body in numerous ways, but coconut sugar does not contain enough of them per serving to offer a measurable benefit. Coconut sugar also contains the soluble fiber inulin, which is linked to a lower risk of blood sugar spikes.

Woodland COCONUT SUGAR 1 Lbs 4 Grams

Organic Coconut Sugar comes from sap of flowers in coconut trees and is filled with potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron, making it an effective, all-natural, eco-friendly ingredient for body masks + scrubs. Created without GMO, preservatives, or additives.
Ingredients (Common Name): Coconut Sugar

Ingredients (INCI Name): Coconut Sugar

Storage: Keep container closed and protect from humidity. Avoid accumulation of dust.

Eye Safe: No

Lip Safe: Yes

Usage Instructions: Organic Coconut Sugar large granules are perfect for sugar scrubs for the body and hands.

Shipping Restrictions: None

Shelf Life: 60 months
Shelf life begins on the date of manufacture and is defined as the shelf life of an ingredient when it is stored and handled properly. The shelf life is offered as a general guideline.

natural sweetener made from the sap of the coconut palm flower. Like maple sugar, the coconut palm’s sap is harvested and heated until it dries into sugar crystals. This minimally processed sugar has a less intense sweetness than heavily processed white sugar, with light, toasty notes of caramel. This makes it an excellent substitute for traditional brown sugar, and it can also replace other sugars in most recipes.Coconut palm trees grow throughout Southeast Asia, principally in the Philippines and Indonesia. A coconut palm tree can produce sap for 20 years, and can grow well in arid climates with minimal water. Coconut palms can produce more sugar per acre than sugar cane. Often, when a coconut palm tree has stopped producing coconuts (generally around the age of 50+ years old), it is “retired” to sap collection to produce coconut palm sugar.

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